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  • John Fiorella


Updated: Oct 27, 2021

Nerds gotta eat. So what’s our food of choice? That’s a no brainer: filet mignon with a side of a grilled asparagus, but you can’t scarf that down between Risk tournaments. Instead, we geeks take to the drive-thru and order the McRib.

Like the Shamrock Shake, McDonald’s makes this special treat available for just a few days out of the year – and only at select restaurants. But unless you’re ninety-years-old and still watching commercials, how on earth would you know when and where these sloppy, sweet sandwiches are obtainable??


Not since the moon landing has technology been used to better all of mankind. Just click the link, type in your address and presto - you’re hit with the location of the nearest McRib in your vicinity. It’s like we’re living in the age of George Jetson!!

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